How and Why CBD Boosts Your Creativity

Creativity is an essential part of being human. To bring your passion – whether it’s dance, or painting murals, or crocheting dog toys – to the next level, try adding a little CBD to your process. CBD is used by creatives to “drop in” to their creative zone and find inspiration. Because CBD reduces anxiety and stress, it can help you zoom in on what you love, and its benefits for focus can extend and expand your vision.

Why does it work?

CBD oil relaxes your mind by balancing your uptake of dopamine and serotonin. By regulating these neurotransmitters, CBD oil reduces your anxiety and calms down what can sometimes feel like the non-stop “noise'' in your brain. (We call this its anoxyliticproperties.) 

CBD also helps your body digest and remove cortisol, the hormone that builds up when you feel stress. This helps clear the way for your neurons to communicate more clearly, and it lets your body refocus your energy on what matters.

There are over 120 naturally occurring cannabinoids, and when you take a full-spectrum (also known as “whole-plant”) CBD oil, the companion cannabinoids create an entourage effect - basically they improve CBD’s impact and your experience. Feals CBD is blended with MCT oil, which boasts energy-boosting properties, too. 

Okay… how do I start?

Everyone’s perfect dose is different, but if you’re trying to throw yourself into a project and you want to feel clarity and like you're in your zone, start small. Ten to twenty milligrams can be just enough to quiet your mind and find your sweet spot. If you’re looking to push past something or feeling a lot of self doubt, you might want to try a little more, up to 40-60mg. 

Once you’ve found your dosage, try to put yourself somewhere that feels comfortable to you. When you’re creating, you’re vulnerable. CBD calms your body and your mind so you can access your higher self, and let yourself explore more freely. Make sure your environment is somewhere that will make you feel good and safe to explore. A good rule of thumb is to pay attention to your senses: the sounds, smells, and lighting in your space.

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